Why Taking a Vacation is Your Obligation :: Halcyon Spa & Salon | Bed And Breakfast | Augusta, MO

Why Taking a Vacation is Your Obligation

Why Taking a Vacation is Your Obligation

Did you know only 57% of Americans take their allotted vacation days?

As a country we are known for our workaholism.  Whatever the title may be (employee, parent, boss, volunteer), we are constantly on the go and rarely take the opportunity to focus on ourselves.

The state of being “frazzled” has not only become the norm, but practically a desire.  We’ve convinced ourselves that frazzled equals productive.  If you aren’t stressed, you’re not doing enough.

Well it turns out that this frame of mind can be harmful to you, your job, and your relationships with others.  Maybe taking items off your plate does not seem possible right now, or maybe you’ve simply forgotten how to relax.  Not to worry.  There is a proven way to regain calmness, energy, and optimism.

GET…..A……WAY.  Plan a vacation!  Get out of town!  As often as possible!

This may not be a shocker to you.  You may chuckle and say, “easier said than done.”  You may be thinking that you just took that trip with the kids and your parents, or that you have that work conference coming up in January.  You may feel too guilty about even pondering the idea.  YOU, my friend, are especially who needs a vacation.


MIND: If you’re the type of person who thinks, I’ll relax some day when I retire, you may be interested to find out that like so many other functions of the mind, if you don’t use it, you lose it.  Psychologist Deborah Mulhern suggests that not taking time off can make it harder for our minds and bodies to relax now – and from now on.  Mulhern says, “The neural connections that produce feelings of calm and peacefulness become weaker, making it actually more difficult to shift into less-stressed modes.”

Another psychologist, Francine Lederer observes, “most people have better life perspective and are more motivated to achieve their goals after a vacation.”  Lederer calls the impact of vacations on mental health “profound.”  She also states that employees report feeling more creative after they’ve disconnected from work.

BODY: According to an article posted by The World of Psychology, vacations have been found to cut the risk of heart attack by 30% in men and 50% in women, improve sleep patterns, and reduce physical complaints of pain and discomfort.

Another study conducted by the U.S. Army and University of California determined that groups of workers who took a five day break from email experienced lasting more natural heart rates.  So even just “unplugging” alone can serve as a vacation for your body.

SPIRIT:  Psychology suggests removing yourself from your comforts and routine is one of the only times you are able to truly reflect on your life, appreciate your blessings, and consider changes you’d like to make.  Its during peaceful vacations that people often come to a better understanding of their beliefs and feel the most spiritual.

And in case you still feel guilty about leaving work and family behind, post-vacation is when people report they feel most connected to loved-ones, and employers report better job performance.  When you take a vacation for your mind, body and spirit, you will feel rejuvenated, recharged, and able to be a better you.


A vacation for your mind, body, and spirit doesn’t need to be expensive or elaborate (in fact the less planning required the better).  It doesn’t even need to be far away.  It just has to be a break from your routine, a chance to unwind, regroup and take a step back to examine your life from a new place with a new perspective.

Offer to house-sit for friends or family going out of town.  Book a cabin for the weekend.  Stay at a local B&B for the night.  Spend a day in nature, alone.

The best part is, the effects of even a short getaway can last for weeks!  And on top of that, research has also shown that simply looking forward to a planned vacation can have the same positive effects of actually being on vacation.  So schedule a getaway for YOU today, and instantly begin soaking up some R&R.


Halcyon Spa has created the ultimate vacation for mind, body, and spirit with the opening of

The Halcyon Spa B&B Guest Room.

The private and serene guest room is tucked behind the spa, providing guests with easy access to spa services, an opportunity to relax on our porch and gazebo, and the chance to take in the peaceful charm of Augusta, MO.   A stay includes a light snack upon arrival, complimentary use of the sauna and attendance to yoga classes, and breakfast of organic seasonal fresh fruit with oatmeal and yogurt delivered to your door.  The room features a king size bed, small kitchenette area with mini-fridge and Keurig, spacious bathroom with dual shower heads, and a patio off the room.  This is the perfect place to unwind, reflect, and rejuvenate.

The Halcyon Spa B&B Spa Guesthouse and Spa Studio are now taking reservations. Contact us today!